At present most of the people are interested to going Saudi Arab for settle their life. Even male female both are going there to do job. They dreams of living well with their families. But sometimes all of their dreams are broken by a broker who is betrays with them. Most of the time broker show them duplicate visa copy and take total payment and for these reason most of the family get ruin. so overcome this problem now you can check your Saudi Arab visa in your home very easily. the checking procedure shown in below.
Firstly Click on this link.Then click on Visa number Box. Give your visa number. after that, give your sponsor id which is given in your visa copy. at next, give your visa issuing authority address (this will be your capital name of your country.e.g: if you are from Bangladesh than your visa issuing authority will be Dhaka.). At last give the image code from the website. then click on search button. If your all information is correct than your visa information shown in the display like in below picture.
There are different types of visas, and the visitor's purpose of entry usually determines the sort of visa that one UAE Visit Visa