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Friday 30 November 2018

Anime Review:: Alice in Wonderland

One of the most popular anime is Alice in Wonderland. In a few episode its took away the peoples attention. Today we are trying to give a short summary about this anime.

Whenever you remind of Alice in Wonderland, you think of crazy monarchs, tea parties, rabbits, and smiling cats. But in Alice to Zouroku, you think of existential crises, kids with superpowers, and an old man who loves giving a good scolding.

Spring 2017 Anime, Alice to Juruku, has the special powers named little girl Sana. In all his life, he was stuck in a research facility examined. At one point, he could not take it anymore and decided to run away. Whatever the outside world was not ready for it.

Everything for Sana was new. She did not know how the world is actually works. Sana was so fortunate that she meets a stubborn yet kind-hearted old man named Zouroku Kashimura who takes her in and helps her adjust to everything unfamiliar.

It does not seem to be able to make up his mind when it comes to picking an anime generation. The first five episodes are action-packed; The powers used by "Alice's Dreams" (with mystical powers) are unique, because the battles are amazing. From the episode six episodes, the anime takes a sharp turn and becomes the place of life, which is absolutely boring. This episode lasts for a few and then it returns a lot of fantasy and action.

The best part of this anime is characterization. It has been shown as the main character of the powerful female lead. Because Sana is between 8 to 10 years of age, her relationship with Zouroku, who is old enough to be her grandfather, is quite interesting. They don't get along at first but they soon start bonding. It's beautiful to watch the rude Zouroku soften and the arrogant Sana listen to all his lectures and be scared of him even though she has powers greater than any other being in the universe.

The entire anime is searching and taking itself in an underlying theme. A deeper concept for searching for nine years old , but hey, they seem to be able to be the most capable.

Alice to Zouroku is a manga adapted into an anime by J.C.Staff and has 12 episodes in total. The opening and ending songs are adorable, fitting perfectly with the aesthetic of most of the characters. The animation work is also praiseworthy. Wonderland, an alternate dimension created by Sana, is an extremely creative and visually-pleasing place in the anime.

The plot can not be called bright, every second. The end of the anime leaves me with many inappropriate questions, especially they actually want to portray as Alice. Suddenly, the switches of childhood were very annoying because when I started seeing it, I would not have sliced ​​it into a life anime. However, for only 12 episodes, the development of the characters is amazing. Sana is a tricky character to work with since she's a kid and is immature, yet she has powers that allow her to do anything. The blend of childish behavior and strong battle mode is perfect in Sana.

[Book] Assembly Language Programming and Organization of IBM PC by Ytha Yu & Charles Marut

Assembly programming is really just a symbolic from of machine language. The language of the computer and because of this assembly language instructions deal with computer hardware in a very intimate way. As you learn to program in assembly language you also learn about computer organization. Also because of their close connection with the hardware, assembly language programs can run faster and take up less space in memory than high level language programs-a vital consideration when writing computer game programs, for instance. 

While this book is intended to be used in an assembly language programming class taught in a university or community college, it is written in  a tutorial style and can be read by anyone who wants to learn about the IBM PC and how to get the most out of it. Instructors will find the topics covered in a pedagogical fashion with numerous examples and exercise. It is not necessary to have prior knowledge of computer hardware or programming to read this book, although it helps if you have written programs in some high level language like Basic, FORTRAN or Pascal.

About Books:

Title: Assembly Language Programming and Organization of IBM PC
Author: Ytha Yu & Charles Marut
Format: PDF
Total Page: 551
size: 14.34 Mb


Thursday 29 November 2018

[Book] Computer Organization and Design 5th edition by David A. Patterson & John L. Hennessy

The book had six major goals for the fifth edition of Computer Organization and Design: demonstrate the importance of understanding hardware with a running example; highlight major themes across the topics using margin icons that are introduced early; update examples to reflect changeover from PC era to Post PC era; spread the material on I/O throughout the book rather than isolating it into a single chapter; update the technical content to reflect changes in the industry since the publication of the fourth edition in 2009; and put appendices and optional sections online instead of including a CD to lower costs and to make this edition viable as an electronic book.


Name: Computer Organization and Design 
Author: David A. Patterson & John L. Hennessy
Edition: 5th
Page: 793
Format: pdf
File size: 29 MB

[Book] Managerial Accounting 15th Edition by Ray H. Garrison, Eric W. Noreen & Peter C. Brewer

Every effort is made to help students relate the concepts in this book to the decisions made by working managers. In the fifteenth edition, the authors have added a new section to Chapter 1 titled Managerial Accounting: Beyond the Numbers, which has expanded coverage of leadership skills with the goal of helping all business students better understand why managerial accounting is relevant to their future careers. New and revised In Business boxes throughout the book link chapter concepts to pertinent real-world examples. Service industry references appear throughout the chapter narrative and end-of-chapter material to provide students with relevant context for the material they are learning. The robust Connect Accounting technology package and the Learn Smart Advantage Suite include new and exciting tools to help keep students engaged in the learning process. For these reasons and many more, a student reading Garrison should never have to ask “Why am I learning this?”

About Book:

Title: Managerial Accounting
Author: Ray H. Garrison,  Eric W. Noreen & Peter C. Brewer
Edition: 15th
Format: pdf
Size: 62 MB


Thursday 7 June 2018

How to use multiple Gmail in one device

In this Digital Era we are totally dependent on internet. we can't imagine one single moment without Internet. Specially E-mail. At this moment we must need to Email address for contact, to prove yourself, to download something from internet. But sometimes we are facing some problem using Email like we can not able to check multiple email in one device. Today i will show you the tricks to use multiple Gmail account in one device. To know about the tricks follow the given images and instructions. 

  • At first open "Gmail"> Then click on the "Menu icon". (Follow the image given below)

  • After that you can see the menu. Now click on the "downside arrow" on the left corner of the menu.

  • At next you can see the list of the gmail account you added. Click on the account which you want to switch or view. You can also add new gmail account.

  • Done. This way you can use your  multiple mail accounts separately.


How to get Golden Laurel Achievement in AQW

If you want to get Golden Laurel Achievement then you first must have to completed the following Quests and follow the given images to get it.

  1. Greenguard Champion Badge
  2. Draconic Laurel Challenge

  • At first go to Golden Arena (Type /join goldenarena in the chat bar). Then click on Aranx and accept the first quest which is "Greenguard Champion Badge".

Now go and kill Green Dragon (Type /join greendragon) to complete the quest.

Again click on Arnax and accept the second quest which is "Draconic Laurel Challenge". Now move to the 3rd screen of Goldenarena. There you can see "Blessed Dragon". Kill the "Blessed Dragon" to complete the quest.
*You may have to kill a single dragon multiple times*

Now open your character page to see the badge.
Good luck and Happy Gaming!! 

Download Cetera Bot For AQW

At this time le Bot doesn't working for some reason. But don't worried i am taking a new bot for AQW. At first download the Cetera Bot from Download section and follow the given image. Hope this will be very helpful for you. Happy Gaming!!  

Download Cetera Bot

Cetera Bot Courtesy by 133spider

The First Attack Damage Assassin Support PYKE in League of Legends

For the first time Riot has released with a new AD support champion named Pyke. The champion looks like a bad ass guy who wants to take retaliate. Most of his abilities are similar to assassin champion but still Riot has declared him as a support champion. He doesn't have any ability what gives shield or heal to his ADC. Many players thought that he will be a jangler or top laner after the official teaser but instead Riot classified him as a support.

Teaser of Pyke: The Bloodharbor Ripper | New Champion Teaser - League of Legends



When Pyke is invisible by enemies, he has quickly defeated some of the enemy champions by recreating some health. Pyke changes its bonus health to damage bonus attacks.

Tap: Pyke stabs and greatly slows all enemies in front of him.

Hold: Pyke readies and then throws his harpoon, impaling the first enemy struck and pulling them a fixed distance towards him.

Pyke dives into spectral waters, entering camouflage and gaining a significant increase to his movement speed that decays over a few seconds.

Camouflage hides Pyke from view while enemies remain outside his immediate area. Attacking or casting spells immediately ends camouflage.


Pyke dashes, leaving behind a drowned phantom. After a delay, the phantom returns to Pyke, damaging and stunning enemies it passes through.

Pyke strikes in an X-shaped area, blinking to champions and executing those below a certain flat amount of health. Enemies in the X that are not executed take damage equal to this amount.
When a champion dies in the X, the last ally to assist also gains full kill gold, and Pyke can instantly use Death from Below again for a short period of time.

[Book] Fundamental of Theoretical Computer Science By Martin D. Davis, Ron Sigal & Elaine J. Weyker

Theoretical computer science is the mathematical study of models of computation. As such, it originated in the 1930s, well before the existence of modern computers, in the work of the logicians Church, Godel, Kleene, Post, and Turing,. This early work has had a profound influence on the practical and theoretical development of computer science. Not only has the Turing machine model proved basic for theory, but the work of these pioneers presaged many aspects of computational practice that are now commonplace and whose intellectual antecedents are typically unknown to users. Included among these are the existence in principle of all purpose digital computers, the concept of a program as a list of instructions in a formal language, the possibility of interpretive programs, the duality between software and hardware, and the representation of languages by formal structures, based on productions. While the spotlight in computer science has tended to fall on the truly breathtaking technological advances that have been taking place, important work in the foundations of the subject has continued as well. It is our purpose in writing this book to provide an introduction to the various aspects of theoretical computer science for undergraduate and graduate students that is sufficiently comprehensive that the professional literature of treatises and research papers will become accessible to our readers.

About Book:

Title: Fundamental of Theoretical Computer Science 
Author: Martin D. Davis, Ron Sigal & Elaine J. Weyker
Edition: 2nd
File Format: PDF
File Size: 4 MB
Total Page: 119


[Book] Systems Analysis & Design By Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom & Roberta M. Roth

Systems Analysis and Design (SAD) is an exciting, active field in which analysts continually learn new techniques and approaches to develop systems more effectively and efficiently. However, there is a core set of skills that all analysts need to know no matter what approach or methodology is used. All information systems projects move through the four phases of planning, analysis, design, and implementation; all projects require analysts to gather requirements, model the business needs, and create blueprints for how the system should be built; and all projects require an understanding of organizational behavior concepts like change management and team building. This book captures the dynamic aspects of the field by keeping students focused on doing SAD while presenting the core set of skills that we feel every systems analyst needs to know today and in the future. This book builds on our professional experience as systems analysts and on our experience in teaching SAD in the classroom. This book will be of particular interest to instructors who have students do a major project as part of their course. Each chapter describes one part of the process, provides clear explanations on how to do it, gives a detailed example, and then has exercises for the students to practice. In this way, students can leave the course with experience that will form a rich foundation for further work as a systems analyst.

About Book:

Title: Systems Analysis & Design 
Author: Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom & Roberta M. Roth
Book Format: PDF
Edition: 5th
Total Page: 594
File size: 16 MB


Friday 4 May 2018

[Book] NCTB Class Six Language and Culture of Minority Ethnic Groups (English Version)

The society and the culture of minority ethnic groups living in Bangladesh are different from those of others. We are proud of that society and culture of Minority Ethnic Groups as a part of our national heritage. But the larger section of the population knows very little diverse cultures of these communities. To give attention to this sector according to the revised curriculum NCTB has developed a textbook named Language and Culture of Minority Ethnic Groups for the first time. In this book, different subjects matters related to language and culture of Minority Ethnic Groups have been discussed. It is expected that the students will be respectful towards others language and culture by practicing these subject matters.


Title : Language and Culture of Minority Ethnic Groups (English Version)
Author : NCTB
Class : Six
Total Page : 110
File Format : Pdf
File Size : 07 MB
Published: 2018 


[Book] NCTB Class Six Work and Life Oriented Education (English Version)

For the unprecedented development of Science and Technology, the learners of this century facing the ever changing world. In this new circumstance, work and life oriented education subject is included in the curriculum as per guidelines of the national education policy, 2010. The textbook has been designed with a view to creating eagerness among learners towards jobs and professions and making them respectful towards people of different sections and professions. It is expected that this subject will make an important contribution to build up a self confident new generation in order to face the future educational and professional challenges.


Title : Work and Life Oriented Education (English Version)
Author : NCTB
Class : Six
Total Page : 70
File Format : Pdf
File Size : 05 MB
Published: 2018 


[Book] NCTB Class Six Arts and Crafts (English Version)

Arts and crafts  increases observation ability about nature, environment, life and life-style. This subject also helps to understand other subjects. For example, this subjects helps acquiring applied knowledge and efficiency of General Science, Geography, Medical Science, Engineering Science, Architecture etc. By learning this art, sense of discipline. sense of proportion , aestheticism, patriotism and human values will develop and grow in the learners and they will become creative. Hopefully, objectives of the new curriculum have been properly reflected in Arts and Crafts textbook.


Title : Arts and Crafts (English Version)
Author : NCTB
Class : Six
Total Page : 75
File Format : Pdf
File Size : 06 MB
Published: 2018 


[Book] NCTB Class Six Physical Education and Health (English Version)

The subject physical education and health is developed on the basis of the philosophy of sound health and fresh mind. Basically it is a practical oriented subject. So it has been tried to co-orient between the theoretical part and the practical part for learning practically and also for life-oriented and realistic education. Student will achieve clear idea about their health care, knowledge of nutrition, personal security and reproductive health. Learners will be conscious about the dreadfulness of drug addiction, AIDS and therefore they will be free from all these. Besides, they will be able to develop themselves to be a healthy and active citizen by learning the rules and regulations of different kinds of physical exercise and games and sports.


Title : Physical Education and Health (English Version)
Author : NCTB
Class : Six
Total Page : 82
File Format : Pdf
File Size : 13 MB
Published: 2018 


[Book] NCTB Class Six ICT (English Version)

The government has been working hard to make the life of the people of Bangladesh easy, comfortable and cheerful by implementing the Digital Bangladesh using information and communication Technology based education. So information and communication Technology subject has been made compulsory from class VI to XII in the national education policy. To give the purpose forward the curriculum and textbook have been developed. We hope this textbook will impart information and communication technology literacy to the students and develop in them a keen interest that will play an effective role in making digital Bangladesh.


Title : Information and Communication Technology [ICT] (English Version) 
Author : NCTB
Class : Six
Total Page : 82
File Format : Pdf
File Size : 17 MB
Published: 2018 


[Book] NCTB Class Six Home Science (English Version)

Home Science is the life oriented and vocational education. This education helps learners acquiring appropriate ideas and competence related to four fields of home science namely Home and Home management, child development and family relationship, food and food management and clothing. It makes students expert and tactful to reach ultimate goal by using limited asset, helps them fight against unexpected incidents at home and outside by solving various problems in home environment. The textbook has been appropriately developed considering the facts to meet the challenges of time.


Title : Home Science (English Version)
Author : NCTB
Class : Six
Total Page : 142
File Format : Pdf
File Size : 09 MB
Published: 2018 


[Book] NCTB Class Six Agriculture Studies (English Version)

Bangladesh is basically an agro based country. Keeping the challenge of 21st century ahead in mind this textbook has been developed to introduce a technique to build up modern agricultural system by capitalizing agricultural science and information technology, the best utilization of limited land, implementation of appropriate technology to bring out the highest amount of crops. It is expected that this textbook will develop students competency on both theoretical and applied agriculture as to help keeping positive role in socio-economic development.


Title : Agriculture Studies (English Version)
Author : NCTB
Class : Six
Total Page : 118
File Format : Pdf
File Size : 25 MB
Published: 2018 


[Book] NCTB Class Six Buddhist Religion and Moral Education (English Version)

The textbook Buddhist Religion and Moral Education has been enriched with topics and information suitable for the respective class. Content based pictures and exercise have been incorporated to create more interest and to make attitude pragmatic to student learning. Studying this book, students will be inspired deeply to the ideals of religion and morality. As a result, knowing about Goutama Buddhas free from malice, the amity, the kindness, the means to moral and honest life, the philosophy of Buddhist Religion, culture and heritage, they will be capable to build their life beautiful and benefactor. Above all, the learners will be capable to build their moral and religious life as well as they will be conscious to maintain their duties and responsibilities in their virtuous festivals. Besides they will be inspired to the feelings of universal welfare, patriotism, endurance. It is expected that this textbook shall be a better step as the source to overcome all narrowness rather to be a theology.


Title : Buddhist Religion and Moral Education (English Version) 
Author : NCTB
Class : Six
Total Page : 126
File Format : Pdf
File Size : 11 MB
Published: 2018 


[Book] NCTB Class Six Christian Religion and Moral Education (English Version)

Following the modified curriculum Christian and moral Education textbook was written and it includes the call of life in the Bible and life sketch of people called by God, in the background of students expectations and attitudes of the changing realities at the dawn of the 21st century. The intent of this textbook was also to make students know the life of the saviour Jesus and his works so that by believing in his salvation, they are inspired by his teaching of morality, spirituality, tolerance, generosity, non-communalism and harmony.


Title : Christian Religion and Moral Education (English Version) 
Author : NCTB
Class : Six
Total Page : 112
File Format : Pdf
File Size : 10 MB
Published: 2018 


[Book] NCTB Class Six Hindu Religion and Moral Education (English Version)

The book is priorities application of theories, rules and regulations of Hindu religion in learners personal life. It also emphasizes on reflecting the rich traditions and cultures of Hindu religion in their day to day practices. In addition, there are discussions about ideals and philosophies of myths, religious personalities, prophets, and saints along with prophesy. It is hoped that these will arouse moral values including honesty, liberal attitudes, dutifulness, courage, tolerance, accommodating nature, respect towards women, secular beliefs, democratic values, patriotism, equity and brotherhood among the learners.


Title : Hindu Religion and Moral Education (English Version) 
Author : NCTB
Class : Six
Total Page : 97
File Format : Pdf
File Size : 11 MB
Published: 2018 


[Book] NCTB Class Six Islam and Moral Education (English Version)

Islam gives importance to all the areas of personal, family, social, national and cosmopolitan life of man. So, teaching religion is the manifestation of moral and human values of real life which is more application oriented. With the objective of developing positive behavioral change of knowledge, competence and attitude of students by giving introduction of Islam as religion, the subject "Islam Studies" has been renamed as "Islam and Moral Education". This textbook has been prepared with the consideration that the learners will be sympathetic to family, society and nation irrespective of cast and creed of all religions. They will be spirited with patriotism, honesty, righteousness, tolerance, generosity and understanding dignity of labour, possessing the spirit of democracy and non-communalism. Learners will grow as good citizens by acquiring moral and social values and by not getting involved in activity subversive of the state by means of reading and understanding this textbook Islam and Moral Education.


Title : Islam and Moral Education(English Version) 
Author : NCTB
Class : Six
Total Page : 125
File Format : Pdf
File Size : 11 MB
Published: 2018 


[Book] NCTB Class Six Bangladesh and Global Studies (English Version)

The aim of secondary education is to make the learners fit for entry into higher education by flourishing their talents and prospects with a view to building the nation with spirit of the Language Movement and the Liberation War. To make the learners skilled and competent citizens of the country based on the economic, social, cultural and environmental settings is also an important issue of secondary education.


Title : Bangladesh and Global Studies (English Version) 
Author : NCTB
Class : Six
Total Page : 106
File Format : Pdf
File Size : 12 MB
Published: 2018 


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